Monday, July 8, 2013

How to Vacation Without Your Kids Without Missing Them the Whole Time

 By Ronnie Koenig for Kveller

Vacation“I want to hug that couple’s baby. Is that weird?”

I asked my husband this as we are sat poolside at our condo last year in the Turks & Caicos. Little Man and Bun Bun were 9 months old at the time and were staying with Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie while we took some much needed R&R. I was thrilled to be away, but suddenly, here was this little blonde Austrian baby-man, a doppelganger for my Little Man, and all I wanted to do was scoop him up in my arms, give him belly kisses, and maybe even wipe his cute little nose boogies.

Yeah, that wouldn’t be weird.

Luke and I were lucky in that we got to do a good deal of traveling before we became parents to the twins. We slurped over-sized gelatos in Sorrento, walked on a glacier in Alaska, and lounged on a black sand beach in Hawaii. The concept of a getaway BT (before twins) meant taking a break from our jobs and the stress of city life. Nowadays, the thought of vacationing sans Little Man and Bun Bun seems like a blissful relief from our duties as servants.

Sure, I enjoyed the requisite pina coladas and the post card-perfect sunsets in Turks & Caicos. But I also spent a good deal of time missing Bun Bun and Little Man. Austrian Little Man was on vacation with his parents, and they had brought grandma along to help. Brilliant! Why hadn’t we thought of that? These good Austrian parents were making blissful memories by the pool while I was on my laptop with a weak internet connection, Skypeing a grainy outline of my son and daughter who by then had probably learned how to make themselves a bowl of Cheerios and forgotten all about me.

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