Monday, February 29, 2016

Ask the Expert: What to do on Shabbat?

How do I occupy myself on this day of rest?

By MJL Staff

Question: I’ve heard all about the things that are prohibited on Shabbat, from writing a letter to watching TV. So what can you do on Saturdays?

–Shelby, Poplar Bluff

Answer: I know how you feel, Shelby. When people speak about traditional Shabbat observance, they often end up focusing on all the things that are restricted, without spending much time talking about what people who observe Shabbat in this manner really love about it.

First, however, I should say that today, people observe Shabbat in all sorts of different ways, and activities that more traditional communities consider forbidden on Shabbat are not necessarily frowned upon by liberal streams of Judaism.

But since you seem most interested in how Shabbat is experienced according to classical Jewish law, I’ll focus on that.

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Monday, February 22, 2016

The Amazing Thing My 8-Year-Old Taught Me About Getting Older

Lisa A. Bloom for Kveller

My birthday and my eldest daughter’s birthday are 23 days apart. As a result, I am reminded of my birthday sooner than I would like, since she eagerly plans ahead for her own birthday at least two months in advance.

As my birthday comes first, she and my other daughter “cryptically” asked me what my favorite breakfast in bed would be, and if I had to choose a “fun” place to eat dinner, where would it be? They were planning my birthday too, whether I liked it or not.

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Monday, February 15, 2016

What Traveling with My Child with Disabilities Has Taught Me

Rabbi Ilana Garber for Kveller

More ferocious than the Tiger Mama. Hovering closer than every Helicopter Parent. More stereotypical than anyone’s Jewish mother.

A vacation. No, a family trip. Add to that: a family trip with a child with special needs. As we tried to escape the cold of New England to visit Miami, we found ourselves facing a different set of frigid conditions: long lines, cranky children, delayed flights, and my favorite, unfriendly stares from people who think we are bad parents. If only they knew, or took the time to ask. Or, preferably, if only they would just look the other way.

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Monday, February 8, 2016

15 Chore Ideas for 4-Year-Olds

from Money Saving Mom
Yesterday, I posted about 10 Chore Ideas for Toddlers. Today, I’m going to share some chore ideas for 4-year-olds.

Why 4-year-olds? Well, because I happen to have a 4-year-old right now. :) However, don’t feel like these chores are only appropriate for 4-year-olds. They’d probably work great for children of other ages, too.

3 Important Things to Remember

1. Children Need to Know What You Expect of Them
If you don’t show your children how to do a job well, you can’t expect them to know how to do it right. Before asking them to do a chore on their own, work alongside them a few times showing them specifically how to do it.

2. Don’t Expect Them To Do It Well–Especially At First
It often takes a lot of repetitive teaching, gentle correcting, and practice before a child can do a job well. Don’t expect perfection–especially when they are young. What matters is that they are putting forth effort and trying their best.

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Monday, February 1, 2016

Mark Zuckerberg: Best Jewish Dad?

Joanna Valente for Kveller

Mark Zuckerberg is becoming one of those parents–you know the ones–who share A LOT of photos on Facebook of their kids. Personally, I like witnessing the changes and developments my friends’ kids make, but it definitely is ironic considering Zuckerberg is the founder of social media as we know it.

Recently, he shared a photo on Facebook of his daughter Max’s first swim lesson. Besides the photo being absolutely adorable–her serene expression as she gazes up into her father’s eyes–it’s also incredibly Jewish. In the Talmud (Kiddushin 29a), there is a list of things that parents are responsible for doing for their child after birth, with swimming being one of them. So in many ways, he’s just being a good Jewish dad.

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