AS YOUR FAMILY gears up for hamantaschen-baking, mask-making, delivering gifts to friends (mishloach manot), feasting, and the costume parade, don’t forget the needy this Purim.
MATANOT L’EVYONIMGiving to the Needy: A Purim MitzvahIt is said that during 356 BCE in ancient Persia, the Jews were saved from disaster by brave Queen Esther and her uncle, Mordechai. To celebrate and give thanks for being saved, the Jews were directed to fulfill four Purim mitzvot, one of which is the giving of gifts to the poor (matanot l’evyonim).
As explained on the Jewish Federation website’s article, “Purim: Acts of Kindness on Purpose,” fulfilling the mitzvah of matanot l’evyonim can be “as simple as dropping coins into a tzedakah box or making donations of food or clothing to a local pantry or shelter.”
For families looking for a more narrow interpretation of matanot l’evyonim, the article, “Gifts to the Poor,” explains the “in-depth laws for how to do matanot l’evyonim correctly.”
Either way, giving gifts to the needy presents a fulfilling, hands-on Purim activity for PJ Library families of any size.
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For more information, recipes and great ideas for Purim, check out Jvillage's Purim Holiday Kit.
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